Pratidhi plans to provide several underprivileged kids in India receive the education they deserve.
Our Plans
Working with Schools
We plan on working closely with local schools in India to provide resources and support for students who may not have access to a quality education. From providing basic school supplies to funding teacher training programs, we strive to empower these children with the tools they need to succeed.
Going to Villages
We plan on sending volunteers into villages to teach basic literacy and numeracy skills to children who have never had the chance to attend school. We also plan on working with local leaders and families to create sustainable education programs that can continue long after we leave.
Expanding the Organization
We have been working hard to provide quality education to underprivileged children, but we want to do more. In the coming months, we will be working to establish new partnerships with organizations and hire more interns, to increase the number of children we can serve.